martes, 17 de julio de 2012



Dear students,
welcome to this new Blog in which we will find interesting materials and resources to improve your English.
Come often to see new games and songs.
You are welcome to leave your comments and suggestions.

Before talking about the main purpose of this blog, these are some instructions of what are you going to find in this space:

*First of all, the main page, that contains introductions and definitions related to the topic

*The game and activities page, designed to interact with our visitors about a certain topic

*And finally, the grammar, structure, and explanation page, responsible for the content related to the main topic.

You can also find many tools available for you to explore with them, such as the translator.

To start, this is a brief introduction in which we are going to analyze all of the topics we will be developing, how to improve some of the most important skills, and mainly use interactive tools to achieve a more precise approach to the student.

Let's get started.
Now you will see a short definition of the topic we are going to work with that is called 

As well as some videos.

There are two basic ways to give directions, the "route perspective" characterized by landmarks, and the "survey perspective" characterized by references to cardinal directions (north, south, west, east). The system you use depends on where you are and who you're giving directions to. Most of the time it's best to use a combination. The most important thing is to be brief and clear!

1 comentario:

  1. Good blog and very well chosen materials for the topic, Elian. I miss the source from where you have taken the materials, however. Remember that it is important to give credit to whomever created them.
