lunes, 16 de julio de 2012

Purposes And Examples

Purposes and examples
This section is basically designed to show and explain the aim of this subject, how to give information about an address using the proper verbs, prepositions and expressions.

Not everyone knows where they are going and may need help with directions from time to time. Directions may be needed to get to a near by town, or directions to the newest mall in town or directions to the nearest rest room in a large building.

This is a series of videos created to give the viewer a high understanding level.

As you saw at the bottom of the page, giving and asking for directions is not a hard if you follow some of the sequences exposed in the previous videos, of course, we have to keep in mind that there are structures and ways to ask or give directions, some of which we are going to see in a more detailed way on this next page called Grammar, structure, explanation.

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